Civil for Users, Profitable for PublishersHow Post is Paving the Way for a Safer Social Web, a Conversation with Noam Bardin
Noam BardinFounder and CEO, Post.
Mitch Hansen Vice President, OpenWeb
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There’s something misaligned between audiences, publishers, and social platforms.Audiences have lost trust in social media to host a healthy, civil experience. All the while, publishers build communities on social platforms where return on investment is indirect at best.Audiences crave quality interactions and community; publishers need robust engagement and revenue. So, where do we go from here?At our live podcast recording Civil for Users, Profitable for Publishers, we welcome Noam Bardin, Founder and CEO of Post, a social network that holds user safety and sustainable income for publishers as a first principle.Media and publishers should take note: Bardin knows about growth. As the former CEO of Waze, he helped build the social navigation app’s massive, loyal community. Today, just months after launch, Post hosts a thriving, highly-engaged community of its own that leverages OpenWeb’s moderation tech, all while compensating publishers fairly for their content.During this live podcast recording, we’ll dive into a range of topics, including:— Why and how Post is focused on addressing toxicity and misinformation,— How they’re building a more equitable revenue model for publishers,—Emerging tech that could impact the future of the community economy, and more.Don’t wait to save your spot. RSVP at the form above today.
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