Publisher Implementation Guidelines

  1. The Service must be implemented on Publisher Properties in accordance with the guidelines below. Any changes to the integration and procedures guidelines which the Publisher wishes to implement will require Company’s prior approval. Upon receipt of notice from Company, Publisher shall promptly correct any instances in which Publisher is non-compliant with such procedures and guidelines.
  2. Publisher shall ensure that the placement and positioning of the Services displayed on Publisher Properties is optimized in order to achieve maximal view-rate and/or performance. 
  3. Publisher shall provide Company with a subdomain for all Publisher Properties on which the Community Engagement Platform is implemented.
  4. Publisher must implement IAB's Ads.txt specifications, and include Company and its advertising partners on such specifications for each of the Publisher Properties, in accordance with Company instructions. 
  5. Publisher shall ensure that each use of the Service on the Publisher Properties includes an attribution to Company in a form and manner as provided by Company, which will include at a minimum Company’s brand name and logo and a link to Company's terms and privacy policy.
  6. Publisher shall integrate the Service on all of the content pages, articles, galleries, and video pages on the Publishers Properties that allow user comments, generating at least the minimum page views set forth in the Subscription.
  7. Publisher will enable Company to implement Advertisements in any format and in accordance with industry guidelines and practices. Publisher will enable Company to utilize its Consent Management Platform to enable compliant ad serving in jurisdictions which require consent.
  8. Company may, at its sole discretion, update the Services implemented on the Publisher Properties from time to time to include additional functionalities and features.