Can We Rebuild Trust in News?
Steven BrillCo-CEO & Co-Editor In Chief NewsGuard
Miranda AnderssonDirector, Business DevelopmentOpenWeb
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Trust in media is nearing all-time lows.[1][2]But it’s hard to blame the public for their views.Why? For starters: The attention economy demands bold, provocative headlines on the regular—even if they only tell part of the truth. And online disinformation campaigns are more sophisticated than ever. In other words, it can be nearly impossible to tell what’s real and what’s not on the web these days.It’s leading to real-world consequences: political insurrections, the proliferation of hate speech, and a drop in empathy between people with different beliefs are just a few manifestations. So, has the attention economy doomed the future of journalism? Is media literacy impossible to teach in an era of such highly sophisticated scammers?If you ask Steven Brill, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of NewsGuard, he’ll tell you there’s reason to stay hopeful.NewsGuard is at the forefront of tackling disinformation and misinformation online. During our live webinar with Steven, we discussed how NewsGuard works with publishers to: — Build trust with readers (and attract new ones),— Develop safety measures for brands and users,— Stay ahead of the disinformation curve, and more.

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Download the full discussion at the form above today.[1] GALLUP, “Americans’ Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low” [2] FORTUNE, “Trust in media is so low that half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them”
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